Sunday, February 15, 2015

Smart Mirror - It is Great

It is really interesting to see other group’s ideas. Some are totally news and some are new ways of combining things. Overall, I think each group has done very well in presenting their ideal projects to the audience. However, there is one I am particularly really interested in - a smart mirror. I couldn’t remember what they exactly call it but I think smart mirror can be used here appropriately.

The smart mirror proposed a new multifunction mirror. According to the presenter, it can be use as a normal mirror with added features such as weather backgrounds. The weather background allow users to foreseen what they look like in a particular weather condition such as snow, rain and sunny. The idea is not something breakthrough or amazing new but it is very practical and useful.

I think there are other features can be added to the smart mirror to make it even more useful. It can allow user to see their look with a certain weight and hence motivate person to loose weights or gaining muscle. Moreover, users can choose different background such as in the beach, forest, or at the party, it will help users visualize more what they actually look like when wearing particular clothes.

Intel MemoryMirror is one type of smart mirror but it is rather than a camera and the screen. The functionality of the MemoryMirror is nothing rather than a camcorder with playback feature. Another example is Panasonic Smart Mirror. The mirror allows user to foreseen their make up or their beard J. It is more like a fun app to play with rather than a device that actually help user do something. I think part of the reason is the market for such a device is new and none of the producers make a proper investment on it. Hence, it is still a paper work.

Panasonic's Smart Mirror Demonstration

Even though, the group didn’t mention anything about implementation or how could the smart mirror can be produced, it is clear that a massive screen and cameras will obviously be used. Of course, a pc or tablet is used to control the smart mirror.

I think using exist devices such as tablets running iOS or Android is the best choice for the project. The group will be mainly developing an application that take the input from the cameras, process it and output to the big screen act like a mirror. This will mainly to deal with image processing technique and machine learning. In order to produce a perfect mirror, developers can consider place a background color to use he mirror, which is very practical.

Overall, I think this is a great idea. It can turn to a product for that every fashion shops need to have, or any homes that user can afford a modern and multi purpose mirror. The only drawback of this project is that it may take a lot of work and up to years to finish

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